Timeline of Su Mei’s Life

(1) Born on May 21, 1928, at midnight in Wenmingpu Town(In Chinese, it means “civilized town”.), Qiyang County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province.

(2) 1930s-1940s – Both parents passed away.

(3) Around 1940 – She and her siblings were adopted by their aunt.

(4) 1946 – Married in Wenmingpu Town, Qiyang County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province.

(5) 1947 – Gave birth to her first child, a daughter.

(6) Her eldest daughter passed away due to suffocation while she was inexperienced in childcare, leading to a tragic incident.

(7) 1948 – Gave birth to her second child, a son.

(8) 1949 – Gave birth to her third child, a daughter.

(9) 1950 – Husband enrolled at Guangxi University, prompting her to move to Guilin, Guangxi, with her son and daughter. 

-Her younger brother joined the military academy, later sent to the first campaign of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. 

-Her cousin was arrested for  a mistaken slogan during the resistance in the the first campaign of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, leading to mental illness and labor reform.

(10) 1953 – Her daughter, afflicted with rickets, was taken back to Hunan Province at the age of 4 by her sister-in-law and later passed away under unclear circumstances.

(11) 1954 – After her husband’s graduation, they settled in Yan Shan, Guilin, with their son.

(12) 1956 – Gave birth to her fourth child, a daughter.

(13) 1958 – Relocated with her family to Nanning, residing at the Teaching Experimental Farm of the Guangxi College of Agriculture. 

(14) 1959 – Gave birth to her fifth child, a daughter.

(15) 1961 – Gave birth to her sixth child, a daughter.

(16) 1962 – Gave birth to her seventh child, a son.

(17) 1962 – Underwent sterilization surgery.

(18) 1963 – Experienced postpartum depression, leading to self-talk and the initiation of tranquilizers under doctor’s guidance.

(19) June 1966 – The Cultural Revolution began, and her husband was denounced as a reactionary academic authority. Their home was ransacked, paraded through the streets, publicly criticized, and the door and windows of their residence plastered with big-character posters. Various factions rose against them, with the military representative issuing orders. Subsequently, She was taken away by the public security bureau on charges of “counterrevolution.” She was then detained in the Nanning detention center. Inside the detention center, his mental state deteriorated drastically, leading to hunger strikes and acts of vandalism.

(20) December 1966 – Her eldest son rescued her from detention and took her to Xiangya Hospital Psychiatric Department in Changsha City, Hunan, Province, diagnosed with schizophrenia, being denied hospital admission due to a background as a landlord.

(21) January 1967 – After a month of outpatient electroconvulsive therapy at Xiangya Hospital, her eldest son took her to recuperate at the home of her second brother in Wenmingpu Town, Qiyang County, Yangzhou City, Hunan province (She is only allowed to return to the place of her birth.).

(22) August 1968 – Her eldest son accompanied by her two sisters and one brother, brought Su Mei back from their home in Hunan to Nanning, where her condition improved.

(23) End of 1968 – Experienced another bout of mental illness. Her second daughter accompanied her for treatment at the Guangxi Hospital Of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

(24) 1970 – Moved outside the Guangxi Agricultural College to manage her mental health, later returning to the college after 1982.

(25) Over the next decade after 1970, Su Mei was repeatedly hospitalized in Nanning due to psychiatric relapses.

(26) 1987 – Moved to Hainan, crossing from Nanning through Xuwen Port in Guangdong Province on a large truck with the family’s belongings to live in a detached courtyard within the provincial government compound in Haikou.

(27) 1990 – Husband filed for divorce and remarriage. Court granted the divorce.

(28) 1990 – Hospitalized for treatment at Anning Hospital(Psychiatric Hospital) in Haikou, Hainan (medication and electroconvulsive therapy).

(29) 1991-1993 – Moved in with her youngest daughter, residing in the dormitory building of the Hainan Provincial Department of Science and Technology.

(30) 1990 – Su Mei was relocated to a residential area in the government compound in Haikou, Hainan. She frequently wandered away but was brought back home by her children.

(31) 2006 – Fell and fractured her pelvis, leading to exacerbated health issues, inability to move, and reliance on others for care. Her eldest daughter stayed with her, but she refused food and required intravenous nutrition in the hospital.

(32) January 13, 2010 – Su Mei suddenly said, “I am going up to sky ,” instructing her daughter to inform her ex-husband (daughter did not relay the message).

(33) January 14, 2010 – Su Mei passed away at the age of 82, shedding a tear as she took her last breath. 




(3)1940年左右 – 与弟弟妹妹一起被姑母领养

(4)1946年 – 与丈夫在湖南省永州市祁阳县文明铺结婚

(5)1947年 – 产下第一胎(女儿)


(7)1948年 – 产下第二胎(儿子)

(8)1949年 – 产下第三胎(女儿)

(9)1950年 – 丈夫考上广西大学读书,独自携儿子女儿迁往广西桂林租屋居住



(10)1953年 -佝偻病女儿(第三孩)在4岁时被二嫂带回湖南,后死亡,原因不明

(11)1954年 – 丈夫毕业后留校任教,苏梅携儿子前往桂林雁山同住

(12)1956年 – 产下第四胎(女儿)

(13)1958年 – 随丈夫举家迁往南宁,居住在广西农学院教学实验农场

(14)1959年 – 产下第五胎(女儿)

(15)1961年 – 产下第六胎(女儿)

(16)1962年 – 产下第七胎(儿子)

(17)1962年 – 做结扎手术

(18)1963年 – 因产后抑郁时常自言自语,开始在医生的指导下服用安定类药物

(19)1966年6月 – 文化大革命开始,丈夫被打成反动学术权威,遭抄家、游街示众和批斗苏梅撕去遮蔽住所门窗的大字报,各个派别群起攻之,军代表下令,被公安局以“反革命罪”带走,关押在南宁拘留所。在拘留所里精神病彻底爆发,绝食、砸东西

(20)1966年12月 – 被大儿子从拘留所带出,坐火车送至湖南长沙湘雅医院精神科治疗,被诊断为精神分裂症,因为家庭成分为地主被拒绝住院。

(21)1967年1月 – 在湘雅医院接受门诊电击治疗一个月后,被大儿子从长沙送往祁阳文明铺二弟家里疗养(规定只能遣返原籍)

(22)1968年8月 – 大儿子带着两妹妹和一个弟弟,陪同苏梅从湖南老家返回南宁,病情缓和

(23)1968年底 – 精神病再次发作,二女儿陪同在广西中医院附属医院治疗



(26)1987年- 随家人乘坐大卡车,携带全家家具从广西南宁经广东徐闻港过海,迁移至海南海口,居住在省府大院独栋小院内

(27)1990年- 丈夫提出离婚再娶,法院判決离婚



(30)1990年 – 苏梅被安置在海南省府大院住宅区宿舍独自生活。在此之后,不断离家走失,被儿女寻回

(31)2006年 – 苏梅行走中摔倒,盆骨受伤无法恢复以致病情加重,不能下床,生活不能自理,大女儿陪护同住,之后拒绝进食,入院打营养针

(32)2010年1月13日 – 苏梅突然说:“我要上天了”,并且嘱咐女儿通知前夫过来看她(女儿没通知)

(33)2010年1月14日 – 苏梅岁去世,咽气时,眼角有一滴眼泪,终年82岁


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